A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston Book Review

Published on 31 July 2024 at 12:59

I came across this book at my part time job this summer. I read it during my lunch breaks, and I enjoyed it well enough. I had never read a book quite like this one before. The main character falls into her favorite book series, and meets a stranger that she doesn't remember from the books. The story follows her journey in getting over her ex-fiancé, and finding herself again. I loved the setting the story took place in, for majority of the book she stays in the town of her favorite book series. It's a perfect little town, everyone knows each other, and she quickly makes friends with everyone. I felt that the main character did not get as much development as she should have because she spends most of the time in the book fawning over the characters she meets. She gets involved in their relationship troubles quite a bit. The only other thing that keeps me from putting this book on my list of favorite reads is the complicated relationship the main character and the handsome stranger have. They are both hung up on their exes, and I can't help but feel that those issues should have been solved long before forming a connection with a new partner. I love romance books and love stories, but I prefer the issues the couple face to not be indecision about each other. I want the lovers to be completely and utterly in love with each other. But overall, the book was an interesting read and it kept me hooked for a couple of my work shifts. 

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